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Learning that Captivates: Hands-On Learning

When we think about doing more with our kids in homeschooling and being hands-on with them, it may feel like a lot. It feels like it can take a lot of time to research, set-up the activities, gather all of the resources, execute the activity, then clean up the mess. This might stop us from even trying to incorporate hands-on learning. But what if I told you it doesn't have to be this complicated? What if you learned how effectively and easily incorporate hands-on learning? People retain 90% of what they DO. That is a huge percentage. If we can help our kids do more and experience hands-on in learning, they are much more likely to learn the information they need to learn. In this module, you will learn the benefits of hands-on learning, why you should implement and simple, yet effective and engaging ways of implementing hands-on learning. This special module will include a fillable handbook you can use to maximize your time and get the most out of this workshop.

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