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Here are some fun number activities you could try with your children: ⠀

1. Throw number flash cards on the floor and call out the ones you want your child to pick up. ⠀

2. Tape flash cards around the room and call out the ones you want your child to grab and bring to you (this is a popular one in our house). ⠀

3. Write a number on a different piece of paper and have your child put the corresponding number of dots (see picture - we used ‘eggs’ here since it was around Easter, but I’ve done it with watermelon cutouts. Really, any cutout will do!)⠀

4. Lay out numbers and have your child place the right amount of counters under each one. ⠀

5. Roll a number: have your child roll a number and write or trace the number they roll. ⠀

6. Q-Tip Painting: write the numbers on a large sheet of paper and have your child trace the numbers with a Q-tip and paint.

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